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GLOW and GROW with 



Empowering ambitious people like YOU.


At the top of your game and the end of your tether? 

Work with me, high impact coaching that gets results.


Build the career you deserve, doing the work you love.


✨ Founder of The Glow Zone ✨



Grab your FREE copy of Glowing for Goals, your one stop guide to smashing your goals 👇

"Whatever you do, be different."

Anita Roddick


Hey there. I see you. Ready to take charge of your career and unleash your potential, but not sure where to begin? I'm Aimee, your ultimate wingwoman in the journey of professional growth and personal empowerment.  

Here, it's all about YOU. Because let's face it, your career isn't just about climbing the ladder—it's about fulfilling your wildest dreams, smashing those glass ceilings, and finding true fulfillment along the way.

So, what's my secret sauce? It's simple: I start with YOU. Yep, the real, authentic, powerhouse YOU. We dive deep into what makes you tick, what sets your soul on fire, and what drives you to conquer the world. Because when you tap into those intrinsic motivators and values, magic happens.

Friend, I'm not just here to give you a pep talk and send you on your merry way. I'm all about equipping you with the tools, language, and skills you need to step into your power and authority, and lead at any level on your journey. Whether it's mastering the art of negotiation, perfecting your elevator pitch, or cultivating killer leadership skills, consider me your personal cheerleader and coach rolled into one.

Together, we'll unlock doors you never knew existed, shatter limitations holding you back, and pave the way for a career and life that's beyond your wildest imagination.

So, are you ready to unleash your inner powerhouse and soar to new heights? Let's do this, one fearless step at a time. Your journey starts here. 

The coaching subscription you've always needed

Here for every stage of your journey

Productivity Powerhouse 
Take the plunge, get more done TODAY with my powerhouse programme. 

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1-on-1 coaching programme
Dive deep into your development with personalized guidance in my coaching programme.

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The Glow Zone

Join our free community for women, by women. Grow your network, share your knowledge, and glow up your online community!

Level Up

"Aimee is such a warm, insightful and empowering coach. The sessions have been invaluable in helping me tackle the next stage of my career.”



Coaching client

"Calm and caring - I really appreciate how Aimee listened, helped guide me to an answer. Aimee keeps a level head and offers great advice."

"Calm and caring - I really appreciate how Aimee listened, helped guide me to an answer. Aimee keeps a level head and offers great advice."

 Coaching client

Rebecca Night

"Aimee helped me focus on what was important, and see beyond all the noise and distractions that were getting me down."

AllBright Coachee

The latest from my blog 

Avoiding the empathy trap

May 10, 2024

Wait, am I doing the right thing?

May 19, 2024

What made you think that?

May 27, 2024

Get started with one of my self-paced courses

Productivity Powerhouse Programme 

Can't find enough hours in the day? With a few simple hacks, you can take back your time, structure your day right, and master your schedule.

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