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Aimee Young coaching featured in Stylist Magazine

coaching communication development magazine Sep 26, 2024

Aimee Young coaching featured in Stylist Magazine


Why does rest matter?

Well, put simply, rest = recovery = increased ability to perform not only well, but at your best ๐Ÿ™Œ

So honoured to contribute to this article for Stylist Magazine, written by the ever inspiring and incredibly talented Alyssa Jaffer.

The majority of work I do with leaders is around understanding ourselves, our impact, and the effect that has on others:

“High performers tend to be technically competent, but that doesn’t lead to high performance over the long term” ... “Some of the most effective people are those who have a deep understanding of themselves, how they work best and what triggers them.” (I said that ๐Ÿ™Œ)

Ever worked for a boss who is emotionally... um... irregular shall we say? And what impact did that have on you? I'm doubting it was positive friend, and if it was, I BETCHA there were/ are countless times that the lows outweigh the highs ๐Ÿ‘€

So, leaders, get ya damn rest. You'll be more creative, more productive, and a better leader for it. More importantly? Honey, you'll prevent yourself from serious burnout. We need you โค๏ธ


Read the article here.

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