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What’s your why?

coaching focus motivation questions resources why? Sep 25, 2024


I talked about this recently in a session I delivered at World of Learning 2023 about coaching... but I reflected on it again in a conversation with my mentor and long time friend Laura Overton this week.

It's got me thinking..

Why do we do what we do?
Why do we get up every day and pursue what we pursue?
Why do we focus on some things, and not others?

My 'why' has changed a few times, in particular over the last few years as I continue to raise my daughter and build on my capacity to be a courageous and empathetic coaching practitioner and (hopefully) leader.

Finding your 'why' forces you to really go deeper and think about what matters to you, what brings you joy, and what challenges you.

I love learning. I love seeing people flourish and grow. I love helping people feel safe and holding space for them. And overall, I love seeing people build on their own courage and seize the freedom and success that comes from standing in your own power.

My 'why' might change again, who knows. That's what's so amazing about growing and changing as an individual. There is infinite opportunity and possibility in finding your 'why', shooting your shot, and owning your own path.

Want to find yours? Drop me a message and we can explore together 💡

Want some questions to get you started?

  • What activities or experiences make you lose track of time? When do you feel most in the flow?

  • If you had all the resources and time you needed, what would you spend your life doing?

  • What values are most important to you? How do these values influence your decisions and actions?

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