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Leaning into your discomfort

Sep 28, 2024

Leaning into your discomfort


"I CBA."
"This feels too tricky."
"I'll do it later."

Mañana, mañana...

Sound familiar? 🧐

We are hardwired to have a good time, and avoid immediate discomfort. We know we should go for that run, but we postpone it. We know we need to finish that project, but we put it off. We procrastinate, we choose the thing that’s easier or more fun. It’s only natural!

Challenges and discomfort will be a part of our lives, we can’t escape it. SO, to get your power back, choose voluntary discomfort. Don’t be a victim to your situation. CHOOSE to do the thing. This reframe is one of the most effective things you can do to enact change in your life.

Alexis Fernandez talks about 2 types of discomfort: effortless, and effortful.

Effortless- the action/ inaction is not hard to do, but the results are unpleasant. i.e. we procrastinate, super easy. The result? We are under more pressure, experience disappointment etc.

Effortful - the action is uncomfortable but the results are pleasant. They enhance your growth, happiness, relationships, health etc. Waking up earlier, restricting time on your phone, and exercising. At that moment, it’s uncomfortable. The results? Incredible!

At the end of the day, in both options you will experience discomfort. The question is, which route would you rather take? Effortless, or effortful? Pick your poison!

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