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Cognitive distortions.. what are they and what do they mean?

brain challenge coaching cognitive function mindset Jul 21, 2024

Come challenge your sneaky little mind with me! 

Cognitive Distortions...

🤔 First up, what are they?
Well, simply put, they're systematic patterns of biased/ irrational thinking that can give us pretty inaccurate perceptions of reality. They can cause negative emotions, and sometimes problematic behaviour.

🤨 Are they normal?
Totally! A lot of us have them from time to time, but if you have mental health conditions like depression or anxiety, they can show up a little more.

👀 So, what's the big deal?
Cognitive distortions can influence how we interpret events, i.e. our perception of reality. They can also affect how we see ourselves and others, and how we make decisions.

I've listed a couple here, but we can also face some cognitive distortions like:

💡 Jumping to conclusions - mind reading, coming up with conclusions without evidence, and predicting negative outcomes.
💡 Catastrophizing - exaggerating or minimising the importance of events or situations.
💡 Personalisation - taking ownership for things beyond your control, or making things about you/ your fault.
💡 Emotional reasoning - the belief that because you feel some type of way about something, it must be true.

These things can be managed if we recognise when we're experiencing them, pause, and reflect. Ask yourself, 'Where's my proof here? What are the facts?"

Try, where possible, to remove emotion and be rational with yourself.

More importantly, be kinder to yourself. Always ask, 'What would I tell a friend or loved one who felt like this?" Over time, you'll be able to be more gentle and realistic with yourself.

Take care friends ❤️✨

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