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The 4 C’s to building trust

Sep 28, 2024

The 4 C’s to building trust


Ever wondered how the whole trust process really works? There are a whole bunch of models out there for how and why trust is important, but the 4 Cs is a great, tangible starting point.

Think about a relationship you have or had at work that could have been improved in some way. You might be stuck on why things feel or felt a little off, the below will help:

Commitment = Following through consistently. Did you or the person in question struggle to deliver on time, fulfil promises or meet timelines? A HUGE factor in trust is whether you can rely on someone to deliver CONSISTENTLY. Yes mistakes happen, but carelessness? That’s a different story.

Caring = Showing the other person matters. Major, how can we trust if we feel we don’t matter or factor into someone’s equation? Managers, this is where the whole psychological safety thing comes into play. Mistakes are a part of learning and the trust cycle. We’ve got to allow space for vulnerability and growth and support with getting back on track.

Consistency = Reacting in a somewhat predictable way. A biggie for me personally. I’m okay with working with you and getting to know your triggers, but getting a different reaction every time? That makes people feel unsafe. Just be super aware of your responses.

Competence = Demonstrating ability to meet commitments. Come on now. Just do the thing, you know? It doesn’t matter how lovely someone is, how much they get on with others etc. If they don’t meet commitments then there can be a whole heap of stuff going on there from lack of respect to deeper underlying competency issues. Not to mention the effect it has on others.

Now before we get too theoretical on this, bear in mind everyone works differently. Managers, it’s YOUR job to understand your team and their differing needs and ways of working and adjust accordingly. Individual contributors, it’s YOUR job to try your best, communicate your needs, and stay focused.

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