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Using the PERMA model in coaching

Sep 28, 2024

Ever heard of the PERMA model? Coined by Martin Seligman in 2011, it's one of the many helpful models to find meaning both in work and within your personal relationships.

I love it as a tool for explaining wellbeing within the coaching context. I've created this infographic with some coaching questions you can ask yourself, but typically I'd explain the model like the incredibly helpful
CoachHub - The digital coaching platform do:

Positive emotion- this is linked to things like optimism, self efficacy, well being both physically and mentally, and in resilience with dealing with stress and challenges. Coaching practices like practicing gratitude, self-compassion, acceptance and commitment really shine here.

Engagement- if you're familiar with positive psychology or the concept of ‘Flow state', you’ll know that this is a state in which someone is so fully absorbed in an activity that time passes without even thinking about it. So in a coaching context here, we may look at your strengths and passions/ purpose around work or your relationships.

Relationships- the quality of our relationships is one of the most important predictors in terms of our health and wellbeing. Having a trusted network around you helps you navigate stress and challenge. We might look here at who your people are, who is in your tribe, and how you can leverage those relationships.

Meaning- This is my favourite part of the model. Finding meaning in our work directly contributes to our mental health and wellbeing. Searching for meaning constantly is directly linked to negative emotions. Knowing what makes our lives and our work meaningful is so important, and a coach can help you figure that out. I’m not talking about connecting with your company vision statement here by the way! I’m talking about your immediate work environment, your day to day tasks, doing work that matters to you.

Accomplishment- When did you last spend time actually focusing on your goals and achievements? When did you last reflect back on the way you handle situations, and if there's been a noticeable change in how you do that? Marshall Goldsmith says ‘What got you here won’t get you there’ and he’s right, it rings true in my head all the time. (Read his book, Triggers) Coaching helps you focus on what you did well, what you need to do next, and how you can change your approach and be successful.

If ya wanna get dorky with it, I've linked a great research paper in the comments below 👀 I've also linked the CoachHub article which forms the basis of this coaching framework.

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