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What made you think that?

Sep 29, 2024

What made you think that?


I came across a post on Twitter this morning by Nilofer Merchant that's really got me thinking. It's around the idea of building on the work of others whilst still giving credit to where the work originated from. It's a behavioural piece often lacking in the world of work. We're so conscious of how we look to others and whether we're generating enough 'good stuff' that we can sometimes neglect to give the full picture about where our thinking originated from.

Merchant mentions a phrase, "idea ancestry" – and it's like someone put the final piece in the puzzle for me. There is someone in my team who is exceptionally good at amplifying not only the voice of others but crediting them for helping him explore new thinking or run ahead with an idea. The crucial thing about this person is the fact that they amplify with purpose, it's not a shout out for shout outs sake. There is always an effort to tangibly connect their thinking with the thinking of others, and I can't tell you what that can do for a team's dynamic and internal culture.

This piece by Mary Kate Love is amazing at explaining amplifying as a colleague. We often hear stories of great leaders amplifying others, but what about your fellow colleagues? I too remember reading about the trick that women in the Obama White House were using to amplify one another:

“When a woman made a good point, another woman would repeat it, and give credit to the originator. This made the idea harder to ignore, or to steal. The women called the technique ‘amplification.’”

Love points out the importance of amplifying others as a key factor in successful career growth, and in my opinion she's right. Demonstrating you are assured enough to give credit where credit is due, build on your own ideas whilst referencing what got you thinking about it in the first place, shows total confidence and allows others to trust you. "The harnessing of this power (amplification) in an organization causes companies to thrive quickly and build a stronger, interdependent team bond full of capable leaders across levels." Says Love.

There are things you can do in the everyday to build on amplification for greater team fulfilment and success in a sincere and meaningful way. Not only that, building a culture of trust and shared success is a ripple effect that will transcend your immediate team. Go for it, what have you got to lose?


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