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A symbol of strength, resilience and the ability to survive almost anything.


The protea flower symbolises diversity and courage, with mythological associations to change and transformation.

I was born in South Africa, and the protea also happens to be our national flower, so it’s always been something very special to me. I love the protea for it’s variety, and the fact it hails from one of the oldest families of flowers on earth. How rich is it’s history, that it’s linked to Proteus the son of Poseidon who had the power to know all things past, present and future. Carrying the weight of all those prophetic abilities meant he would often seek rest and refuge through changing his form.

There are 1,400 varieties of the protea flower, in all manner of shapes, sizes, hues and textures. I like to think the flower represents our ability to change and adapt depending on the situations we face and different phases of our lives.